Adding a README to your Github profile

Mansi Kalaria
2 min readMay 14, 2021

Github is like a Social Network for developers to showcase their work and skills. Every application of a programmer is incomplete without including Github profile. It is very important to maintain an updated and a neat and clean Github Profile. You can enhance your Github profile by adding a README file. This README will act as your introduction to whosoever visits your profile and it can give an insight to your skills, your work, your interests, other social media profiles etc....

Here are steps to create your Readme file:

  1. Create a new repository with a name same a your username and make its visibility public. Also initialise the repository with a README. And your file is created.

Now its time to customize your Readme. It supports markdown format. You can add bio, your skills, link to your resume, portfolio, other social media profiles, your github stats and much more…

You can customise your Github Readme with help of this Github repository. It provides Markdown code for different cards like Most used lnguages, Walktime stats, Repo card with different themes.

If you want to make a good Readme with least efforts, you can visit this Website and just fill in required details to get Markdown code for your Readme file.

I hope this article was informative. Stay tuned for more interesting stuff :)



Mansi Kalaria

Final Year B.Tech student | Upcoming Analyst @Goldman Sachs | GDSC Lead @DDU | Flutter Enthusiast